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Petri Kekoni Company (2012)


"Getting closer to the globe´s heart was at the same time an investigation to our hearts inside." (


Choreography:  Petri Kekoni
Dance:  Meeri Lempiäinen, Janne Aspvik, Soili Huhtakallio, Petri Kekoni, Jaana Kovanen, Tuomas Mikkola, Viivi Niiniketo, Sofia Simola, Satu Rinnetmäki, Elisa Tuovila, Ulla Väätäinen
Performances:  Full Moon Dance Festival, Pyhäjärvi 21.-22.7.2012


“Lähempänä sydäntä” was performed in 1400 meters deep mine in Pyhäsalmi. To watch a video of the work, click VIDEOS


For more information, go to Petri Kekoni Company's website (

Photo: Akseli Kaukoranta

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